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BLACK TEA: GOLDEN NEEDLES, Da jin Zhen, Chinese red, 2023

BLACK TEA: GOLDEN NEEDLES, Da jin Zhen, Chinese red, 2023

Regular price $4.80 USD
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▫️This premium red tea comes from Fengqing County, Yunnan Province. Consists of large golden tea buds of young leaves, rich in energy and perfection of taste.

Taste Associations:
Honey, mango, tropics, apricot, wheat beer, saffron, pink pepper, Moroccan orange, ginger, pumpkin, baby carrot, cherry tomato, frankincense, cedar nut, nutmeg, 


Tea Effect:
Up concentration, energy, positive vibes, sociability, toniс

Health Benefits:

  • Rich in Antioxidants: Black tea is a valuable source of antioxidants, such as flavonoids, which combat oxidative stress and help protect the body from harmful free radicals.
  • Cardiovascular Support: Studies suggest that regular consumption of black tea may reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, supporting heart health and lowering cholesterol levels.
  • Enhanced Cognitive Function: Caffeine and the amino acid L-theanine present in black tea may collaborate to improve cognitive function, increasing alertness and concentration.
  • Bone Strengthening: Flavonoids in black tea may impact bone health, contributing to the strengthening of bone tissue and reducing the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Antimicrobial Properties: Black tea may possess antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, aiding the body in fighting infections.
  •  Metabolism Boost: The combination of caffeine and catechins in black tea can stimulate metabolism, helping maintain a healthy weight and energy levels.

About the Tea:
             Traditionally considered a delicacy due to its 100% content of young tea leaves, harvested at the beginning of the tea plant's growing season.     
            The tea is rich in visual aesthetics and tactility, from the moment the tea is poured into the vessel. These small curled-up leaves bring visual pleasure, and as the tea is poured, it's delightful to observe their fiery dance in the glassware. The high pollen content on the tea indicates its full and saturated taste upon steeping.
            In the pour, the richness of the tea's bouquet unfolds: Top notes of orange zest, grapefruit, and malt. Gradually revealing new flavors and depth with each pour - cedar, woody tones, pumpkin, red pepper, and nutmeg. This tea is an excellent choice for true connoisseurs. 
The bouquet is vibrant with numerous facets, featuring aromas of mango, floral pollen, and saffron. In taste, you'll find notes of baked goods, peach, pumpkin, and wheat beer. The texture of the beverage is soft and velvety. The spent leaves emanate aromas of orange and apple cider.


The Teapot Method:

Tea (6.9 or 12 grams)
Water: 90-95"C.
Thermos - 0.5-1 L.

Pour hot water to warm the teapot. Drain the water. Put the tea in teapot.Shake the tea tray, let the leaf warm up in the bowl. And now pour the first water, which was used to warm up the teapot. This is a technical washing of tea.

0. Washing tea (1-3 sec)
1. First tea drain (5 sec)
2. Second tea drain (5-10 sec)
3. Third tea drain (10-15 sec)
4. Four tea drain and following (..+5 sec)

 Note! If the tea has an unpleasant tartness. Make 1-2 short drains of 1 second each.


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Tea vibe

Tea Hacks


Temperature water:

The water temperature for brewing tea depends on the type of tea, as different varieties require specific conditions to bring out optimal flavor characteristics. Here are general recommendations for water temperature for different types of tea:

Green Tea:

  • Water temperature: 70-80°C.
  • Green tea is delicate, and a high temperature can lead to bitterness. Use the lower end of the range for light green teas and higher for more robust ones.

White Tea:

  • Water temperature: 80-85°C.
  • White tea is also quite delicate, and a lower temperature helps preserve its soft and sweet flavor profile.

Oolong and Yellow Tea:

  • Water temperature: 85-90°C.(185-194°F)
  • Oolong and yellow tea often require a slightly higher temperature to reveal their complex aromas.

Black-Red Tea:

  • Water temperature: 90-95°C.
  • Black tea is typically fuller-bodied and spicier, so a higher temperature helps extract its rich flavor qualities.

Pu'erh Tea:

  • Water temperature: 95-100°C.
  • Pu'er, especially shu (cooked) pu'er, benefits from a high temperature to fully develop its flavor.

  • Use only pure water without additives and extraneous odors to experience the true taste of tea. Don't forget to experiment with proportions and brewing times; this will help you find the perfect balance of flavors that suits you.

How to get the maximum flavor from tea extraction?

For the best experience in getting the maximum tea flavor, use a tippod with a spill function, gaiwan or gongfu teapot.

Follow the 5-second rule. Most teas reveal their aroma and flavor within 5 seconds of brewing. Carefully observe the water temperature that is required for the type of tea you are brewing. Use a thermos to keep the water at the same temperature.

1. Rinse - Rinse the tea in the kettle. Do this quickly, getting rid of the tea from the dust. One to three seconds is sufficient.

2. Straining. Now you can make the first brewing of tea. Pour water 1 centimeter higher than the leaf and drain after 5 seconds. taste the tea.

3 strain. Pour water and add another 5 seconds to the spill. 10 seconds - drain. Taste the tea and feel the bouquet and flavor unfold.

4 strain: repeat the same process. 15 seconds. If bitterness and astringency appear, reduce the duration of the pour by 10 seconds and repeat.

In this way you can brew the tea several times and each time the flavor will open up more and more until it subsides.

Experiment with time and find your personal ideal tea strain.